Wednesday 22 February 2012

Week 6 - Submit the actual proposal

Some review from my proposal


The aim for this project is to make charging for car battery faster and efficient for hybrid car or electric car.This charger is used alternating current (A.C) 230V as a power supply to turn on the charger. Then, a.c will be invert to direct current (D.C) for charging car battery. This system is like fuel pump station. For example, the customers needed to set time how long want to charge battery car. After they set how long to charge car battery, they can go wherever they want such as go to shopping, go to work etc. After the specified time that there was setting, they came back and take their car. 

Thursday 16 February 2012

Week 5 - Submit draft proposal

After completing the draft proposal, needed to submit to my supervisor, Mr Abdul Halim Bin Abdul Rahman. Then, my supervisor will be checked about draft proposal and if have anything wrong in the draft, my supervisor will tell what wrong and should be corrected. After correcting errors in my proposal, actual proposal will be submit.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Week 4 - Proposal

This week i have to make draft proposal. Guideline about how to make proposal can be downloading in RPS. 

The project proposal should have the following format: 

1)      Abstract 
2)      Introduction 
3)      Problem statement
4)      Literature Review 
5)      Methodology
6)      Objectives 
7)      Benefits/Contributions 
8)      Work Plan 
9)      Budget 
10)  Conclusion 
11)  References

Thursday 2 February 2012

Week 3 - Synopsis

Understanding theory of the title project and find all important part about this title. Need to design a charging system to produce a power and storage a voltage at a short time. Preparation to make draft proposal for this project and necessary submit to my supervisor.