Thursday 1 March 2012

Week 7 - Research Planning

This week, start to research planning how to make charger 12V D.C battery. In the circuit, require used rectifier to convert from alternating current (A.C) 240V to direct current (D.C) 12V. I will use diode 1n4004 to make a rectifier. Diode 1N4004 can be use as a flyback diode. A flyback diode is a diode used to eliminate flyback, the sudden voltage spike seen across an inductive load when its supply voltage is suddenly reduced or removed.

Characteristics for 1N4004: 

1)      Low forward voltage drop.
2)      High current capabilities.
3)      High reliability.
4)      High surge current capabilities.
5)      Exceeds environmental standards of MIL-S-19500/228.

Battery car
The purpose battery car 
A battery is a device for storing chemical energy and converting that chemical energy into electricity. A battery is made up of one or more electrochemical cells, each of which consists of two half-cells or electrodes. One half-cell, called the negative electrode, has an overabundance of the tiny, negatively charged subatomic particles called electrons. The other, called the positive electrode, has a deficit of electrons. When the two halves are connected by a wire or an electrical cable, electrons will flow from the negative electrode to the positive electrode. We call this flow of electrons electricity. The energy of these moving electrons can be harnessed to do work running a motor, for instance. As electrons pass to the positive side, the flow gradually slows down and the voltage of the electricity produced by the battery drops. Eventually, when there are as many electrons on the positive side as on the negative side, the battery is considered 'dead' and is no longer capable of producing an electric flow.

The electrons are generated by chemical reactions, and there are many different chemical reactions that are used in commercially available batteries. For example, the familiar alkaline batteries commonly used in flashlights and television remote controls generate electricity through a chemical reaction involving zinc and manganese oxide. Most alkaline batteries are considered to be a disposable battery. Once they go dead, they're useless and should be recycled. Automobile batteries, on the other hand, need to be rechargeable, so they don't require constant replacement. In a rechargeable battery, electrical energy is used to reverse the negative and positive halves of the electrochemical cells, restarting the electron flow.

                          Figure 1: Example for nickel-metal hydride (NIMH) battery

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