Thursday 22 March 2012

Week 9 - Battery 12V

Some review for type lead acid battery 12V 

12 volt Batteries

12v batteries have variety of uses in our daily life. From consumer electronics to robotics, from health care products to industries, almost every second device we use has one battery or the other. Battery have become an indispensable part of our lives.
This entire power requirement means that we need a robust, portable and an efficient source of power. There are a couple of factors one has to look out while choosing the type of 12v battery. It is because a twelve volt battery can be of many types, sizes, form factors, and materials. 12 volt is just the rating of the battery and it does not specify something physical. Batteries are also available in other voltage ratings such as 24, 9 and 5 volt. It’s rather a quantity. There are many types of batteries depending upon the construction.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Week 8 - Type of battery

In Automobile manufacturers, it has identified four types of rechargeable battery as suitable for electric car to use. Those types are lead-acid batteries, zebra batteries, nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries, and lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries.
Zebra batteries
The sodium or "zebra" battery uses molten chloroaluminate (NaAlCl4) sodium as the electrolyte. This chemistry is also occasionally referred to as "hot salt". A relatively mature technology, the Zebra battery boasts an energy density of 120h/kg and reasonable series resistance. Since the battery must be heated for use, cold weather doesn't strongly affect its operation except for in increasing heating costs. They have been used in several EVs. Zebras can last for a few thousand charge cycles and are nontoxic. The downsides to the Zebra battery include poor power density (<300 W/kg) and the requirement of having to heat the electrolyte to about 270 °C (520 °F), which wastes some energy and presents difficulties in long-term storage of charge. Zebra batteries have been used in the “Modec” vehicle (UK electric vehicle) commercial vehicle since it entered production in 2006.
                                       Figure 1: Example for Zebra battery

Thursday 1 March 2012

Week 7 - Research Planning

This week, start to research planning how to make charger 12V D.C battery. In the circuit, require used rectifier to convert from alternating current (A.C) 240V to direct current (D.C) 12V. I will use diode 1n4004 to make a rectifier. Diode 1N4004 can be use as a flyback diode. A flyback diode is a diode used to eliminate flyback, the sudden voltage spike seen across an inductive load when its supply voltage is suddenly reduced or removed.

Characteristics for 1N4004: 

1)      Low forward voltage drop.
2)      High current capabilities.
3)      High reliability.
4)      High surge current capabilities.
5)      Exceeds environmental standards of MIL-S-19500/228.